To edit attendee details, such as first name, last name, job title and more, you must use the event.person.operate endpoint operation. To access this API, you must have in hands an access token with full Event Environment (or Company Environment) permission on System scope or the attendee's own access token.
Keys allowed
"name": "attendee full name",
"firstName": "attendee first name",
"lastName": "attendee last name",
"email": "attendee email",
"password": "attendee password",
"role": "attendee job title",
"company": "attendee company name",
"summary": "attendee bio",
"image": "attendee profile picture (url)",
"telephone": "attendee telephone",
"city": "attendee city",
"facebook": "attendee facebook profile (url)",
"linkedin": "attendee linkedin profile (url)",
"twitter": "attendee twitter profile (url)",
"instagram": "attendee instagram profile (url)",
"website": "attendee website (url)",
"message": "attendee itinerary message (only admin access token)",
"language": "attendee preferred language (ISO 639-1 format)",
"private": "attendee profile privacy (0 or 1)",
"rsvp": "attendee rsvp status (0 or 1)",
"present": "attendee attendance status (0 or 1)",
"level": "attendee permission level (numeric)",
"nfc": "attendee nfc base64 tag",
"ticketID": "attendee ticket in use (only admin access token)",
"profileID": "attendee custom permission profile (only admin access token)",
"assistantEmail": "the assistant email this attendee will get emails from (only admin access token)",
"tagIDs": "attendee tags (separated by comma)"
If you are using an admin access token with System scope and Event Environment (or Company Environment) full access, you must provide the personID query attribute in the request, otherwise you will edit your own user credentials (as long as you are an attendee).
Operation modes
You can either operate on attendee fields using one field at a time (one update per request) or several fields at the same time. To update one field at a time, you must provide the field key on the key query attribute and its value on the value body attribute. To update several fields at a time, you must provide a content body attribute with an Array of Objects {key:value} as demonstrated below:
This endpoint allows you to edit the attendee regular fields and it expects the following query attributes: tokenID, eventID, personID and key and the following body attribute: value. Please see the example below.
To edit custom fields, you must use the endpoint feedback.respond. You must provide the tokenID and eventID query attributes, the personID query attribute in case you are an admin with Event Environment (or Company Environment) access on System scope access token trying to edit a specific attendee of the event, and the content body attribute.
The content body attribute consists of either an Array of Objects [{feedbackID, value}] or an Object {feedbackKey:value} (in case you have the API Field set for your custom fields).
Here is an example using the Array of Objects option:
The advantage of using the API Field option is when you copy your event or when you create a template, the API call will be the exact same, whereas the feedbackID option will change the IDs.
This endpoint allows you to edit the attendee custom fields and it expects the following query attributes: tokenID, eventID, personID and the following body attribute: content. Please see the example below.