Custom domain

To setup a custom domain for your event you must first have a DNS provider that allows CNAME for root and subdomains. Some DNS providers don't allow using CNAME for root domains (@), so in that case you must get the IP Address of our Load Balancer, however, we don't guarantee that the IP Address will not change, so we encourage you to always use a CNAME instead of A record.


Your CNAME must point to the following address:

  • North America region:;

  • Europe region:;

Once you have your CNAME set, you can now enable it using the API or using your admin dashboard. If you open your domain without setting up in your event, you will get an error message in the loaded page.

Using the Admin Dashboard

To setup a custom using the admin dashboard, please refer to our FAQ Article.

Using the API

You can setup the custom domain by using the event.edit endpoint (please check Editing events article) and the cname key with your domain as the value.

SSL Certificate

The SSL Certificate will be generated automatically (may take a couple of minutes) and will only support TLSv1.2.

Last updated