Creating events

To create events you must have a System scope access token with full access to a company environment. You must have in hands the following query attributes: tokenID companyID, and the following body attributes: name and nickname.

  • name is the Event name;

  • nickname is the string that will be used in the browser URL to access the event;


The endpoint that you should use is company.event.bind on RCP or company/event/bind on RESTful.

Here is how to create an event:

curl --request POST \
     --url '' \
     --header 'Accept: application/json' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
     --data name=This%20is%20a%20test%20event&nickname=my-test-event-1632854490

If you want to copy data from a previous event you can use the siblingID query attribute with the previous eventID as the value.

If you want to create an event based on a template you can use the templateID query attribute with the id of the template as the value.

If you want this event to be a template you can use the isTemplate query attribute with 1 as the value. Templates have limited functionality and its purpose is only to create the bare essentials for your events.


Once you create the event, you will get a response similar to the following one:


  "count": 1,
  "data": [{
    "eventID": "73565",
    "name": "This is a test event",
    "nickname": "my-test-event-1632854490",
    "emailAddress": "",
    "emailName": "",
    "emailDNS": "0",
    "emailReplyTo": "",
    "description": "",
    "background": "",
    "cover": "",
    "coverVideo": "",
    "welcomeOverlay": "1",
    "activityLayout": "small",
    "fontFamily": "",
    "page": "",
    "contentPage": "",
    "ownerID": "",
    "creatorID": "1330",
    "dateCreated": "1632854490",
    "dateBegin": "1632840090",
    "dateEnd": "1634064090",
    "enrollmentBegin": "1616942490",
    "enrollmentEnd": "1660329690",
    "accessEnd": "1790606490",
    "quarter": "Q3",
    "eventDays": "14",
    "month": "September",
    "capacity": "0",
    "invites": "0",
    "guestsForMember": "1",
    "keywords": "",
    "timezone": "America/New_York",
    "currency": "USD",
    "latitude": "0",
    "longitude": "0",
    "spot": "",
    "placeID": "",
    "address": "",
    "city": "",
    "state": "",
    "fugleman": "",
    "ebEventID": "",
    "ticketURL": "",
    "language": "",
    "contentLanguage": "",
    "googleAnalytics": "",
    "googleTagManager": "",
    "facebookPixel": "",
    "linkedInPixel": "",
    "intercomTag": "",
    "website": "",
    "faq": "",
    "agreement": "",
    "facebook": "",
    "instagram": "",
    "twitter": "",
    "rss": "",
    "cname": "",
    "archived": "0",
    "visible": "1",
    "published": "1",
    "public": "1",
    "presential": "0",
    "budget": "0",
    "automaticEnrollment": "1",
    "sandbox": "0",
    "vlTemplate": "neo",
    "vlControlRoomLayout": "",
    "vlBackgroundIdle": "",
    "vlJoinBeforeStarts": "0",
    "vlJoinAfterEnds": "0",
    "vlNetworkingRouletteTimer": "00:00:00",
    "meetingStartTime": "8:00",
    "meetingEndTime": "20:00",
    "meetingDurationTime": "30",
    "accessCode": "0000",
    "wireless": "",
    "templateID": "",
    "companyID": "918",
    "hasTag": "0",
    "hasFeedback": "1",
    "hasPhoto": "0",
    "hasMaterial": "0",
    "hasSponsor": "0",
    "systemLevel": "8251",
    "companyLevel": "4",
    "personID": "1330",
    "role": "",
    "company": "",
    "level": "4",
    "approved": "1",
    "templateName": "",
    "templateColor": "",
    "isSponsor": "0",
    "placeName": "",
    "happeningNow": "1",
    "happeningAfter": "0",
    "peopleCount": "1"

The URL to access the event will then be the following:

Once the event is created, you can now manage it accessing the URL above or manage it entirely through the API.

Last updated